As a school we are aware of what an important year this is for Year 11 and want to support them to achieve their best in the upcoming Mock Exams and Summer external exams.

Initially, Year 11 will take part in ‘Recall Stars’ Revision Techniques.  This will be delivered in tutor time on a Wednesday with a follow up session on a Thursday, where students will be taught how to create revision tools and how to use them effectively to revise.  There is a parental video for you to access that explains the techniques used, so you can assist them in revision at home.

Revision Materials

Please use the link below to access the student portal, where you will find a carefully selected range of pre-recorded revision videos created by subject and teaching staff for Year 11 students. To access this incredible resource students must log in using their school account username and password. Click on the banner at the top named ‘Revision materials’ and chose from the subject areas available to support with revision at home. This will be regularly updated with materials from different faculties as the term goes on.

Year 11 Revision Materials